Many a Tear Has to Fall
by June Francis

A young woman returns to Liverpool to rebuild her life and find new love in this engaging family saga

1959. Her modelling career in tatters and her long-term relationship with her sailor boyfriend at an end, nineteen-year-old Maggie Gregory returns to her family in Liverpool to lick her wounds and decide what to do with the rest of her life. A chance encounter with a handsome stranger offers the possibility of new romance. But is the man who gives his name as Tim Murphy really all he seems? What secrets has he been keeping from Maggie? And will this new relationship only lead to more heartbreak?


Many a Tear Has to Fall by June Francis is available in the following formats

Hardback *978072788603331st March 2016146 X 223mm256£20.99
Hardback *97807278860331st July 2016146 X 223mm256$28.99
Paperback978184751705031st March 2017140 X 215mm256£13.99
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* Out of print

June Francis

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