When the Bough Breaks
by Connie Monk

It is the summer of 1939, and Dennis and Kathie Hawthorne, who run Westways, a village market garden, are utterly content.

But when war arrives, Dennis, a member of the TA, is called up immediately, leaving Kathie to engage helpers and run the garden.

As Kathie’s narrow existence widens, her confidence grows, but she is stirred by previously unknown emotions as her world falls apart around her; emotions that bring her to despair, and finally to a new certainty and deeper understanding.


When the Bough Breaks by Connie Monk is available in the following formats

Ebook *97817801033581st July 2012N/A224$6.99
Ebook *97817801033581st July 2012N/A224£4.99
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* Out of print

Connie Monk

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