A Mind of Her Own
by Rosie Harris

Widowed after fifty years of marriage, Betty has put all thought of romance behind her. Or has she …?

Newly widowed after fifty years of marriage, Betty Wilson is determined to remain in the home she has lived in the whole of her married life and retain her independence. Deciding she doesn’t need anyone to look after her, she won’t even accept help from loyal family friend Peter Brown.

But it’s not always easy to cope when one is growing older. From errant hedge trimmers to unscrupulous conmen and a car which seems to have a mind of its own, modern life offers unexpected hazards for the unwitting septuagenarian. Will Betty accept the devoted Peter’s help and come to realize what he means to her, before it’s all too late…?


A Mind of Her Own by Rosie Harris is available in the following formats

Hardback *97807278884711st March 2019140 X 220mm240$28.99
Hardback *978072788847130th November 2018140 X 220mm240£20.99
Ebook97814483018671st March 2019N/A240$14.99
Ebook97814483018671st March 2019N/A240£4.99
Paperback97818475197197th July 2020141 X 216mm240$17.95
Paperback978184751971931st March 2020141 X 216mm240£12.99
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* Out of print

Rosie Harris

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