A Shadowed Fate
by Marty Ambrose

A shocking revelation from an old friend leads Claire Clairmont on a dangerous quest in this second in a fascinating historical trilogy based on the ‘summer of 1816’ Byron/Shelley group.

1873, Florence. Claire Clairmont, the last survivor of the ‘haunted summer of 1816’ Byron/Shelley circle, is reeling from the series of events triggered by the arrival of Michael Rossetti two weeks before, which culminated in a brutal murder and a shocking revelation from her old friend, Edward Trewlany.

Stunned by her betrayal at the hands of those closest to her, Claire determines to travel to the convent at Bagnacavallo near Ravenna to learn the true fate of Allegra, her daughter by Lord Byron. But the valuable Cades sketch given to her by Rossetti is stolen, and Claire soon finds herself shadowed at every turn and in increasing danger as she embarks on her quest. Is the theft linked to Allegra, and can Claire uncover what really happened in Ravenna so many years ago?


Excellent … The surprising revelations that populate the book, mixed with a mood of regret and wistful longing for dead loves, imbue the story with a seductive power. Readers will eagerly anticipate the final volume in this trilogy

Publishers Weekly Starred Review

The second in Ambrose’s Lord Byron mystery series should draw and delight as many readers as the first


A superbly crafted historical mystery by an author with an impressive flair for the kind of narrative storytelling that will hold the reader simply riveted from first page to last

Midwest Book Review

Ambrose seduces readers with writing as smooth as a lady’s silk gown and a plot as suspenseful as the appearance of an unexpected visitor, drawing readers into a realm of creative brilliance, tragedy, and secrets

Booklist on Claire's Last Secret

Ambitious … Ambrose provides a fresh perspective on Byron and his literary circle

Publishers Weekly on Claire's Last Secret

Will please readers of cozies and chick lit mysteries

Library Journal on Murder in the Mangroves

Marty Ambrose

Marty Ambrose has been a writer most of her life, consumed with the world of literature whether teaching English and creative writing at Florida Southwestern State College or creating her own fiction. Her writing career has spanned almost fifteen years, and she has eight published novels. The Claire Clairmont historical mysteries build on Marty’s background as a Romantics scholar. She loves telling a story – especially if it’s a Florentine conspiracy that unfolds in a Downton Abbeyesque setting.

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A Shadowed Fate by Marty Ambrose is available in the following formats

Ebook97814483036181st January 2020N/A192$14.99
Ebook97814483036181st January 2020N/A192£7.99
Hardback - Large Print *97807278929592nd February 2021148 X 223mm272$36.95
Hardback - Large Print *978072789295929th December 2020148 X 223mm272£22.99
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