The Red Hotel
by Graham Masterton

Sissy Saywer, an unredeemed hippy, has an uncanny ability to read the future and the lives of those she hold dear may soon depend on it…

One afternoon, shadows stared to flicker along the corridors of The Red Hotel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and both guests and staff heard persistent grinding noises that gave them ‘the freesons’ or goosebumps.

Months later, Sissy Sawyer’s step-nephew Billy drops by with his new girlfriend, T-Yon. Sissy has an uncanny ability to read the future using her special Tarot cards, and T-Yon wants her help. She’s been having terrible dreams about her old brother, Everett, ever since he started restoring an old hotel in Baton Rouge…


Sissy is an entertaining and resourceful protagonist, one who could anchor a long-running series


Graham Masterton

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The Red Hotel by Graham Masterton is available in the following formats

Ebook97817801029861st October 2012N/A224$14.99
Ebook97817801029861st October 2012N/A224£4.99
Paperback978184751444831st May 2013138 X 215mm224£13.99
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The Sissy Sawyer Mystery Series