China Roses
by Jo Bannister

A brutal attack on a family friend leads to something darker and deeper for DC Hazel Best and Gabriel Ash.

No one ever said: “See Norbold and die.” So why would a man from DC Hazel Best’s past cross England in order to get himself beaten senseless in this uninspiring Midlands town? Everyone assumes he was looking for Hazel. She can’t think why he would; and when David Sperrin wakes up, he can’t think why he would either. Amnesia – or something to hide?

Flashbacks as Sperrin’s battered brain recovers only make the case more troubling. His sharpest memory is of a girl dying in his arms. But who, and how? And why is there no body, no witnesses, no missing persons report?

Struggling to make sense of the situation, Hazel turns to her close friend Gabriel Ash for help. But Ash has problems of his own: one of his own ghosts has returned to haunt him. And the stakes are so high there’s no one, not even Hazel, he can confide in . . .


Strong characters, well-set-up twists, gentle humor, and a shock ending, make for a fine read

Booklist on Dangerous Pursuits

Enjoyable … The gradual change in the rapport between Gabriel and Hazel will please series fans. Newcomers will be likewise enchanted by this distinctive pair

Publishers Weekly on Dangerous Pursuits

Fine, no-frills detective work that repeatedly throws disturbing new lights on every member of its limited cast

Kirkus Reviews on Dangerous Pursuits

Offbeat, clever and skillfully written ... Memorable characters, gentle humor, a twisty plot and chocolates

Booklist on Silent Footsteps

Diverting ... Fans of offbeat police procedurals will be rewarded

Publishers Weekly on Silent Footsteps

Jo Bannister

Jo Bannister is a former journalist and author of more than thirty novels, including six previous Hazel Best & Gabriel Ash mysteries. She lives in Northern Ireland.

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China Roses by Jo Bannister is available in the following formats

Hardback - Large Print978144830845324th February 2022145 X 223mm336£23.99
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