by Davis Bunn

A loner, a runaway, and a failed apprentice Talent, Chad Hagan was kicked out of one Institute of Magic for fighting, then fled another when the head wizards’ vice caused the death of his closest friend. He may want a quiet life but when he meets Kara Sedgewick, he realizes that is not an option… Their forbidden alliance may just expose the institutes’ corruption – if their power cannot be contained!


“A wild ride”

Kirkus Reviews on Island of Time

“A fast-paced, retro-feeling sci-fi mystery . . . good fun”

Publishers Weekly on Prime Directive

“Bunn’s imaginative thriller combines propulsive plotting with sharp observations”

Publishers Weekly on Burden of Proof

“A stylistically complex work that lends itself to a variety of audiences”

Library Journal Starred Review of The Domino Effect

Davis Bunn

Davis Bunn’s novels have sold in excess of eight million copies in twenty-six languages. He has appeared on numerous national bestseller lists, and his novels have been Main or Featured Selections with every major US bookclub. Recent titles have been named Best Book of the Year by both Library Journal and Suspense Magazine, as well as earning Top Pick and Starred Reviews from Publishers Weekly, RT Reviews, Kirkus Reviews and Booklist. Currently Davis serves as Writer-In-Residence at Regent’s Park College, Oxford University. He speaks around the world on aspects of creative writing. Davis also publishes under the pseudonym of Thomas Locke.

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Forbidden by Davis Bunn is available in the following formats

Hardback97814483094123rd January 2023146 X 224mm208$29.99
Hardback97814483094123rd January 2023146 X 224mm208£21.99
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