Play Dead
by Bill James

Following a deep investigation into an incident in another Force, Colin Harpur and his boss, Assistant Chief Constable Desmond Iles, uncovered an unpalatable truth: there is corruption in the ranks.

Good detective work allowed the pair to arrest and charge a fellow policeman, who murdered an undercover officer in an attempt to keep a crook–police racket secret. But their work is not yet done. Who ordered the execution? Why? Just how high did the conspiracy go? And – and most importantly – does the crooked power group behind the assassin still flourish?

There are questions that remain to be answered – so when the home office decides to reopen the case, it is Harpur and Iles to whom the investigation is once more handed.


Play Dead by Bill James is available in the following formats

Ebook97817801040341st June 2013N/A224$14.99
Ebook97817801040341st June 2013N/A224£4.99
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Bill James

Critically acclaimed crime writer Bill James is a former journalist who wrote for The Sunday Times, The Daily Mirror, The Spectator, The New Review and Punch. Married with four children, he lives in Wales.

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