Brass Lives
by Chris Nickson

A dangerous American is in town, but is he really responsible for a deadly crime spree in Leeds?

Leeds, June 1913. Deputy Chief Constable Tom Harper is a busy man. He’s overseeing a national suffragist pilgrimage due in Leeds that his wife Annabelle intends to join, and his daughter Mary has exciting plans of her own. Then a letter arrives from police in New York: Davey Mullen, an American gangster born in Leeds, is on his way back to the city, fleeing a bloody gang war.

Despite Tom’s best efforts to keep an eye on him, Davey’s arrival triggers a series of chilling events in the city. Is he responsible for the sudden surge in crime, violence and murder on Leeds’s streets? Facing a mounting workload, Tom must hunt down a cold-blooded killer while also confronting danger and tragedy close to home.


A realistic, well-written historical procedural that will draw fans of Charles Todd's Ian Rutledge mysteries


Harper’s ninth case is an excellent mystery buoyed by characters you care about

Kirkus Reviews

Superior ... Even minor characters are fully fleshed out in this trip down the mean streets of early 20th-century Leeds. Nickson’s consistent high quality across multiple series continues to impress

Publishers Weekly Starred Review of The Molten City

Offers authentic period ambience, engaging characters, and a realistic look at the challenges of policing without high technology ... A good read in this reliably entertaining series

Booklist on The Molten City

Social commentary and period detail enhance a solid, thoughtful procedural

Kirkus Reviews on The Molten City

Superlative ... Nickson stands in the front rank of historical mystery authors

Publishers Weekly Starred Review of The Leaden Heart

Nickson's latest and perhaps finest is a breathless race for the truth from start to finish

Kirkus Reviews Starred Review of The Leaden Heart

A tense, well-crafted police procedural with authentic period ambience, a clever plot, and an engaging husband-and-wife duo

Booklist on The Tin God

An excellent character-driven procedural. Nickson uses the historical battle for women’s rights to expose the prejudice and misogyny that still persist today

Kirkus Reviews on The Tin God

Chris Nickson

Chris Nickson is the author of eleven Tom Harper mysteries, seven highly acclaimed novels in the Richard Nottingham series, and five Simon Westow books. Born and raised in Leeds, he moved back there some years ago.

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Brass Lives by Chris Nickson is available in the following formats

Hardback978072789088724th June 2021145 X 223mm224£20.99
Ebook97814483054901st August 2021N/A224£12.99
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