Condemned to Death
by Cora Harrison

Mara, Brehon of the Burren, judge and lawgiver, investigates the death of a man suspected of kin-murder in this compelling medieval Irish mystery.

When Mara, Brehon of the Burren, is summoned to the sandy beach of Fanore, on the western fringe of the kingdom of the Burren, she sees a sight that she has never witnessed before during her thirty years as law-enforcer and investigating magistrate: a dead man lying in a boat with no oars.

Immediately her scholars jump to the conclusion that the man has been found guilty of kin-murder. The Brehon sentence for this worst of all crimes is that the murderer be towed out to sea and left to the mercy of wind and waves and the ultimate judgement of Almighty God. But Mara notices something odd about the body, something which arouses her suspicions. And something familiar about the boat in which he lies.

Soon she has embarked on a full-scale murder investigation. And gradually suspicion dawns that someone near and dear to her is involved in the murder.


Harrison has never been better

Publishers Weekly Starred Review

Harrison serves up another tightly paced mystery enhanced with a wealth of historical tidbits about medieval Ireland

Library Journal

Cora Harrison

Cora Harrison turned to writing historical fiction after she retired from teaching to live on a farm near the Burren in the west of Ireland. As well as the Reverend Mother series, she is the author of the ‘Mara’ series of Celtic mysteries, set in sixteenth-century Ireland, and the new Gaslight mystery series set in Victorian

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Condemned to Death by Cora Harrison is available in the following formats

Hardback978072788442831st October 2014141 X 222mm208£21.99
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