Scorpions’ Nest
by M.J. Trow

Christopher Marlowe investigates a school for exiled Catholic priests

“You’ll learn, Marlowe, that this place is a nest of scorpions. Don’t turn your back on anybody”.

October, 1586.
Sir Francis Walsingham has despatched Kit Marlowe to the English College in Rheims where he suspects the Catholic traitor Matthew Baxter is hiding, the only one of the Babington plotters to have escaped the spymaster’s net.

Infiltrating the College undercover, Marlowe learns that the community has been rocked by a series of unexplained and violent deaths. A scholar has fallen from a window under mysterious circumstances; the popular Father Laurenticus has been discovered dead in bed, his throat slit from ear to ear.

With the help of master codebreaker Thomas Phelippes, can Christopher Marlowe unearth a murderer, track down a traitor and extract himself from the scorpions’ nest without being fatally stung?


Scorpions’ Nest by M.J. Trow is available in the following formats

Hardback - Large Print *978072789589931st August 2017141 X 222mm336£22.99
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* Out of print

M.J. Trow

M.J. Trow is a military historian by training and the author of the longrunning Inspector Lestrade and ‘Mad Max’ Maxwell detective series, as well as the Kit Marlowe Tudor mysteries, the Grand & Batchelor Victorian mysteries and the Margaret Murray series. He lives in the Isle of Wight.

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