Blood Never Dies
by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Bill Slider and his team face a mystery, when an unidentifiable man appears to have committed suicide but all signs point to murder

A boiling-hot August day, and a handsome young man is found dead in his bath, exsanguinated. Suicide is not, strictly speaking, a detective inspector’s business, but Bill Slider’s colleague takes one look at the body and calls in his boss. ‘It don’t look right to me, guv,’ is Detective Sergeant Hollis’s opinion. ‘But I can’t quite put my finger on it.’

As Bill Slider investigates, he reluctantly has to agree: the man’s poky flat is too tidy, for one thing, and smelling of fresh emulsion rather than, say, feet. That’s not to mention the method of death: a single slash to the left jugular, when evidence soon proves him to be left-handed. But as Slider and his team try to identify the man – whose personal papers are missing, along with his wallet and keys – it seems that the more they find out about him, the less they really know . . .


Clever, engaging, and well plotted, this is a fine example of the British police procedural and sure to be a hit with genre buffs and Anglophiles.


A sly wit that leavens this richly detailed mystery is a bonus.

Publishers Weekly

Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Cynthia Harrod-Eagles is the author of over ninety books, including the internationally acclaimed Bill Slider mysteries and her Morland Dynasty series, which has sold over 100,000 copies. cynthiaharrodeagles.comCynthia Harrod-Eagles was born and educated in London and had a variety of jobs in the commercial world before becoming a full-time writer. She is the author of the internationally acclaimed Bill Slider mysteries and the historical Morland Dynasty series. She lives in London, is married with three children and enjoys music, wine, gardening, horses and the English countryside.

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Blood Never Dies by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles is available in the following formats

Hardback978072788211031st August 2012148 X 222mm256£21.99
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