Fell Purpose
by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Bank Holiday Monday, and beautiful Zellah Wilding, straight-A student at St Margaret’s, prefect, future Head Girl, lies dead near the famous Wormwood Scrubs prison in London. What was this good girl from a strict Christian family doing out there, dressed to kill, when she was supposed to be at a sleep-over with schoolfriends? A secret boyfriend from a run-down estate and a recently-released rapist look tasty; or could the nearby fairground or the eponymous prison have something to do with it?

The mysteries only seem to proliferate as the investigation progresses, and the more Bill Slider knows, the less he understands about this very secret girl…


Readers will find themselves gripped from first page to last by the complex characters, keep-’em-guessing plot, surprising twists, and—most of all—by the multifaceted Slider.


A bit slow to start, the story soon picks up speed and rumbles along to a satisfying finish. Like John Harvey’s Charlie Resnick, Slider’s mix of toughness, sensitivity, and melancholy works on all levels

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Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Cynthia Harrod-Eagles is the author of over ninety books, including the internationally acclaimed Bill Slider mysteries and her Morland Dynasty series, which has sold over 100,000 copies. cynthiaharrodeagles.comCynthia Harrod-Eagles was born and educated in London and had a variety of jobs in the commercial world before becoming a full-time writer. She is the author of the internationally acclaimed Bill Slider mysteries and the historical Morland Dynasty series. She lives in London, is married with three children and enjoys music, wine, gardening, horses and the English countryside.

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Fell Purpose by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles is available in the following formats

Hardback978072786842831st October 2009146 X 222mm272£21.99
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