My Cousin Skinny
by E.J. Copperman

A dream of a wedding turns into a bloody nightmare for LA family lawyer Sandy Moss’s cousin Skinny in the latest instalment of the critically acclaimed Jersey Girl Legal mystery series. Sandy might have to take on her trickiest case yet!

An uncomfortable weekend awaits LA family lawyer Sandy Moss when she makes her way to her hometown in New Jersey for the wedding of her cousin Stephanie, sweetly nicknamed Skinny. Uncomfortable, because Sandy is not really looking forward to seeing her family, but at least her boyfriend, Hollywood movie star Patrick McNabb, is by her side.

However, if Sandy thought a weekend with her criticising mother and aggravating sister was bad, she definitely wasn’t prepared for the rehearsal event at the wedding venue! When Skinny enters the room, all eyes are on her and her beautiful party dress . . . covered in blood, with a knife in her hand.

Skinny says she didn’t do it. But with dozens of wedding guests witnessing her dramatic entrance, the question of who killed the corpse in the kitchen seems an easy one to answer – and an equally easy court case to lose.

Reluctantly agreeing to represent her cousin, Sandy sets to work. But how can she save Skinny when she’s not at all sure she’s innocent . . . and when Skinny seems oddly determined to put herself in jail?

Loveable, streetwise heroine Sandy “could give Perry Mason a run for his money” (Kirkus Reviews). If you like witty, fast-paced cozies, legal shenanigans and a touch of romance, why not try the series out?


“Pure cozy bliss”

Publishers Weekly

The case takes surprising turns, all described with humorous asides and encounters
with characters who might be from The Sopranos


“Copperman’s pace is nonstop and his timing impeccable. Let the mayhem continue”

Kirkus Reviews

“Readers who enjoy the humor in this legal mystery series will also appreciate the misdirection and twists that keep them guessing”

Library Journal

“Copperman has [zaniness] on tap for his latest dose of legal mayhem”

Kirkus Reviews on And Justice for Mall

“Sprightly characters and smart dialogue drive the plot . . . Those seeking pure escapist fare will be delighted”

Publishers Weekly on And Justice for Mall

“Fans of bizarre characters and spirited sleuths will appreciate this offbeat, humorous story”

Library Journal on And Justice for Mall

“The legal frame is well constructed, and the plot has plenty of curves”

Booklist on And Justice for Mall

“Copperman knows how to entertain”

Publishers Weekly Starred Review of Witness for the Persecution

“Crafty and zany, with a well-clued solution”

Kirkus Reviews on Witness for the Persecution

E.J. Copperman

E.J. Copperman is the nom de plume for Jeff Cohen, writer of intentionally funny murder mysteries. As E.J., he is the author of the Haunted Guest house series, the Agent to the Paws series and the Jersey Girl Legal mysteries, as well as the Fran and Ken Stein mysteries. As Jeff, he is the author of the Double Feature and Aaron Tucker series; and he collaborates with himself on the Samuel Hoenig Asperger’s mysteries.A New Jersey native, E.J. worked as a newspaper reporter, teacher, magazine editor and screenwriter, before his first book was published to critical acclaim in 2002. In his spare time, Jeff is an extremely amateur guitar player, a fan of Major League Baseball, a couch potato and a crossword addict.

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My Cousin Skinny by E.J. Copperman is available in the following formats

Hardback97814483097197th November 2023145 X 225mm240$29.99
Hardback97814483097197th November 2023145 X 225mm240£21.99
Ebook97814483097267th November 2023N/A240$14.99
Ebook97814483097267th November 2023N/A240£12.99
Paperback978144831436224th September 2024138 X 216mm240$18.99
Paperback978144831436225th July 2024138 X 216mm240£13.99
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