The Bath Conspiracy
by Jeanne M. Dams

American Anglophile Dorothy Martin is celebrating her birthday in the historic city of Bath, but the discovery of a number of stolen artefacts throws her plans awry.

Retired chief constable Alan Nesbit and his wife Dorothy Martin are in the beautiful historic city of Bath to celebrate Dorothy’s birthday, enjoying the city’s elegant surroundings, sightseeing, shopping – and champagne.

But the celebrations are curtailed when they discover a curious assortment of loot in their car boot during a trip to Stonehenge – from precious artefacts to cheap jumble sale trinkets. The stolen items are linked to various historic sites in Bath, but how did they end up in the Martins’ car? As Dorothy and Alan seek to prove their innocence and catch a thief, they are soon swept into a conspiracy that runs much deeper and darker . . .


Fresh and satisfying … the book’s supporting characters are as interesting and robust as the two series leads (Dams really is a fine character builder), and the story is thoroughly engaging, with plenty of twists and a solid dark streak running through it


Pleasant ... Anglophiles, especially those like Dorothy and Alan “who are no longer young,” will have fun

Publishers Weekly

Notable for its charming protagonists and historical detail

Kirkus Reviews

Intriguing … Cozy fans and Anglophiles will be satisfied

Publishers Weekly on Death Comes to Durham

The author's tale-telling and dialogue—the back and forth of a comfortable couple is wonderfully depicted—will serve to draw readers in. Dams’ followers know what to expect and will be happy to find it here

Booklist on Death Comes to Durham

A travelogue, a complex mystery, and an empathetic look at the horrific nature of dementia

Kirkus Reviews on Death Comes to Durham

Tension runs high until the surprise ending, the depravity tempered by lyrical descriptions of Victoria and environs

Kirkus Reviews on Death in the Garden City

Anglophiles and history buffs alike will enjoy the cozy mystery merged with travelogue details … perfect for fans of Rhys Bowen and Alexander McCall Smith

Booklist on A Dagger Before Me

An Anglophile’s delight piled high with enchanting details of arcane rituals, all neatly wrapped around a nice little case of murder

Kirkus Reviews on A Dagger Before Me

Fans of the series will be pleased to see this engaging heroine once more

Booklist on Crisis in the Cathedral

Jeanne M. Dams

Jeanne M. Dams, an American, is a devout Anglophile who has wished she could live in England ever since her first visit in 1963. Fortunately, her alter ego, Dorothy Martin, can do just that. Jeanne lives in South Bend, Indiana, with a varying population of cats.

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The Bath Conspiracy by Jeanne M. Dams is available in the following formats

Hardback978072789250831st March 2021140 X 220mm224£21.99
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