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- Cooper, Susan Rogers
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- Fraser, Sara
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- Freedman, J. F.
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- Goldreich, Gloria
- Gordon Smith, Dolores
- Gordon-Smith, Dolores
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- Gower, Iris
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- Harris, Rosie
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- Harrison, Mette Ivie
- Harrison, Sarah
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- Hart, Carolyn
- Havill, Steven F.
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- Haywood, Gar Anthony
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- Heley, Veronica
- Helton, Peter
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- Hewson, David
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- Hill, Suzette A.
- Hiller, Mischa
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- Howard, Linda
- Hughes, Declan
- Hurley, Graham
- Hutchens, Rachel Simpson
- Hyde, Katherine Bolger
- Ison, Graham
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- Janes, Diane
- Jecks, Michael
- Jeffrey, Elizabeth
- Jeffries, Roderic
- Johnston, Paul
- Jones, J.
- Karst, Leslie
- Keating, H. R. F.
- Kelly, Jim
- Keskinen, Karen
- Keyse-Walker, John
- Kirchner, Bharti
- Knight, Bernard
- Knightly, Robert
- Koff, Clea
- Krotow, Geri
- Kuhns, Eleanor
- Kurland, Michael
- Lake, Deryn
- Laker, Rosalind
- Lakin, Rita
- Lance, Jack
- Lasky, Kathryn
- Laurens, Stephanie
- Lehane, Con
- Lightfoot, Freda
- Linscott, Gillian
- LoTempio, Toni
- Lochte, Dick
- Lord, Elizabeth
- Lorrimer, Claire
- Lovesey, Peter
- MacDonald, Patricia
- Mackay, Scott
- Macomber, Debbie
- Magson, Adrian
- Malliet, G.M.
- Mark, David
- Marshall, Colby
- Masterman, Becky
- Masters, Priscilla
- Masterton, Graham
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- Mayhew, Margaret
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- McCrum, Mark
- McLean, Russel
- McLoughlin, Jane
- McPherson, Catriona
- Meade, Amy Patricia
- Messineo, Teresa
- Michaels, Fern
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- Miller, Carol
- Monk, Connie
- Montclair, Allison
- Moody, Susan
- Morris, R N
- Morris, R. N.
- Morris, R.N.
- Myers, Amy
- Myers, Tamar
- Neiderman, Andrew
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- O'Connell, Catherine
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- O'Mara, Tim
- O'Neal Peden, Peggy
- Oldfield, Pamela
- Oldham, Nick
- Olson, Karen E.
- Oyebanji, Adam
- Parker, Una-Mary
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- Peacock, Caro
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- Ramsay, Caro
- Randisi, Robert J.
- Rayne, Sarah
- Redmond, Heather
- Redmond, Lissa Marie
- Reed, Kit
- Ripley, J.R.
- Ripley, Mike
- Robb, Candace
- Roberts, Nora
- Rowe, Rosemary
- Rowlands, Betty
- Rowson, Pauline
- Ryan, Patricia Twomey
- Sampson, Fay
- Sanders, Ben
- Savile, Steven
- Scott, Justin
- Sebastian, Tim
- Shaber, Sarah R.
- Shames, Terry
- Shea, Susan
- Sheridan, Sara
- Siger, Jeffrey
- Silver, Mitch
- Simms, Chris
- Simon, Clea
- Smith, Brad
- Smith, Frank
- Sole, Linda
- Solomita, Stephen
- Southey, Roz
- Spencer, Sally
- Spindler, Erica
- Springer, Nancy
- Stacey, Lyndon
- Staub, Wendy Corsi
- Steiger, A.J.
- Steiner, Peter
- Stirling, Jessica
- Sweeney, Anna
- Talley, Marcia
- Tanner, Janet
- Tate, June
- Taylor, David C.
- Taylor, Elena
- Thompson, Carlene
- Thornton, Betsy
- Thornton, Margaret
- Tierney, Ronald
- Tonkin, Peter
- Tremayne, Peter
- Trow, M.J.
- Turnbull, Peter
- Vantrease, Brenda Rickman
- Viets, Elaine
- Wegert, Tessa
- Westerson, Jeri
- Wheaton, Mark
- Wiley, Michael
- Wilson, Carter
- Wilson, Glenis
- Winters, Mary
- Wishart, David
- Woodman, Richard
- Woods, Janet
- Wright, Erica
- Xiaolong, Qiu
- Zeltserman, Dave
Esoteric thriller